Share Your Story: Wake Up To Find Out

Once your story has been submitted and the book is created, with the forward generously created by the legendary psychedelic trailblazer Leonard Pickard, with photos contributed by Jay Blakesberg, our generous and extraordinary friend and longtime Grateful Dead photographer, the book Wake Up To Find Out will be available for sale. Everyone who submits a story will receive a beautiful holographic sticker celebrating your support for ServeMedicine.  And if your story is selected you will be able to purchase this book at a special introductory price and your name will be listed as a founding supporter.

This is YOU giving help on the way, fulfilling your desire to be a Phil-anthropist! Tell 5 people you know about what this beautiful community of Deadheads is creating and ask them to get on the bus! Draft your stories now and submit them! Your love makes this dream of psychedelic giving come true!